How to quit drinking: folk remedies and tips

Drunk in the family becomes a common misfortune for all members. There are many reasons that lead to alcoholism, but usually it is due to a weakening of a person's character or a bad influence. They have been trying to fight the hangover for a long time, but the most important factor in successful healing is the person's sense of wanting to stop drinking.

Women and alcohol how to quit drinking

Who is really considered an alcoholic?

People often begin to think of an alcoholic who is in the public eye. And official medicine has its own data on this score.

The acceptable dosages for a man and a woman are 75 ml and 50 ml of alcohol, respectively. If these stats are not exceeded, intoxication will not occur and the ability to control actions will not be lost. But a person will have a clear definition of an alcoholic when he drinks more than 500 grams several times a week.

But aside from that, there are basic definitions of alcoholism:

  • The dose and frequency of drinking is continuously increased;
  • In the morning, an obsessive longing is added;
  • The need to drink again, due to severe irritation and poor health. The so-called withdrawal symptoms;
  • Solve any problems in life or boredom just by drinking alcohol;
  • Visible changes in behavior and daily life.

It should be noted that alcohol includes vodka and moonshine, as well as seemingly harmless cocktails, champagne and beer.

Folk method

herbal decoction for alcohol withdrawal

An herb like St. John's wort is widely known as a remedy against vipers. To do this, you need to measure two cups of water, bring to a boil and pour in five tablespoons of chopped herbs. Soak for half an hour in a water bath and soak in cold water for two weeks morning and evening. After this period, a persistent aversion to alcohol develops.

Baranets is still a little-known remedy, but its effectiveness is quite large. Pour 10 grams of dried twigs with a cup of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Have the patient drink every two hours until the patient wants to vomit. This remedy has contraindications. Cannot be used by people with heart problems and stomach ulcers. When combined with alcohol, the reception of the decoction causes a strong feeling of dislike even with the smell of vodka.

In addition, the distaste for drinking is provided by a mixture of two bay leaves and half a tablespoon of chopped gentian root. All this needs to be poured with a glass of vodka and, after two weeks of infusion, drink.

There are very radical measures against drunkenness. In the past, to let her husband drink, the wife added live bugs to the wine. After drinking such alcohol, the drinker develops a subconscious aversion to alcohol. This method can be used if the drinker does not want to fight the addiction.

How to use folk remedies?

stop drinking wine

Any treatment, including alcoholism, requires careful selection of ingredients. In infusion drugs, decoctions have many contraindications, to avoid consequences it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Before starting treatment, the body is cleansed. It is best to do this with diuretic preparations for several days.

It is almost impossible to get a person who is drinking alcohol to stop drinking against his will. There are funds that work in the short term, but you should not wait for a long term result. Alcoholism is not only a physiological dependence but also a psychological one. And patient wishes play an important role here.

Scandals and a family quarrel will only aggravate the habit. Because alcohol dependence is often based on psychological problems. Together, we try to figure out why and convince an alcoholic husband to quit drinking.

Alcohol addiction

a beer and how to stop drinking

Beer addiction is even more insidious than vodka addiction. Alcoholics start with beer. The dark side of this drink is that they don't take beer too seriously, considering it's quite normal to have a few drinks after a hard day. But then the dependence on drinking beer is just as severe as vodka.

It is best to cure beer addiction with lifestyle changes and folk remedies. The herbs in this case can be used in the same way as in the treatment of drinking vodka. Wormwood, thyme, St. John, mint, yarrow. You can prepare your own broth or you can brew all these herbs together and drink in small doses daily.

Usually, people pour a mixture of these herbs into beer to create an aversion to this drink.

What happens when a person stops drinking?

Stopping drinking any alcohol will make the body intoxicated immediately. And the severity of intoxication depends on how long and how much a person has been drinking. There is a release of toxic substances into the blood, due to the fact that the internal organs begin to cleanse themselves from the poison of alcohol.

Certain symptoms appear:

  • General discomfort;
  • Severe nausea and persistent vomiting;
  • Digestive system disorders;
  • Weak;
  • Chills;
  • Sweating theft;
  • heart palpitations;
  • Run involuntary.

If a person is not able to cope with the disturbance of happiness on his own after stopping drinking, then it is better for him to seek medical help. Your doctor may prescribe a course of cleansing and medication. But everything happens individually. If the hangover does not last long and the body is in principle healthy, then you can wait for the self-cleaning process at home.

After a certain time, the toxin is eliminated from the body, and significant pain relief and recovery occurs:

  • Blood pressure is normalized, heart rate returns to the natural level of age;
  • Headaches and dizziness no longer torment;
  • A positive mood and a taste for life will emerge;
  • Shortness of breath and insomnia will be gone.

To help the body recover, it is necessary to adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • A healthy lifestyle includes plenty of exposure to fresh air;
  • Are taking medication to restore the liver;
  • Complete feed containing vitamins;
  • Exercises to tone the whole body;
  • A hobby that will replace cravings for alcohol;
  • When treating alcoholism, it is important to remember that in this difficult situation, the support of family and friends is very important.

It is easy to turn away from a patient, accompanying him on every step of treatment and adaptation.

Having given up alcohol, you should not think that after recovering from an illness you will be able to have a few drinks on your days off. Once a person has become an alcoholic, he will no longer be able to observe the metric so easily and will no longer be able to resist this addiction. You may have to give up alcohol forever and you need to be prepared for this.